Awesome List Updates on Aug 10 - Aug 16, 2020

53 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Elm

Examples / Games

2. Awesome Rest

Querying / Symfony2

3. Awesome Actions

GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions

4. Awesome Seed Rs


5. Awesome Web Security

Prototype Pollution


6. Awesome WSL

Intellectual Property Notices / Miscellaneous Tools

7. Public Apis

Games & Comics

8. Awesome Dev Fun


9. ALL About RSS

Terminal-based / programmable RSS readers / Outline Processor Markup Language

10. Awesome Deep Learning

Researchers / Tools

11. Awesome Opensource Apps


12. Awesome Bigdata

SQL-like processing

13. Awesome Emails

Templates / Misc

Blogs / Misc

14. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / Other

Driver crates / WIP

no-std crates / WIP

15. Awesome Typescript

Libraries / Chrome Extensions

16. Awesome Vehicle Security

Miscellaneous / Episodes

17. Awesome Ios


18. Awesome Django

Projects / Open Source Projects

19. Awesome Ddd

Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)

20. Awesome Sre



21. Awesome Cl

Sublime Text / Third-party APIs

22. Awesome Falsehood


23. Awesome Humane Tech

Ethics / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Privacy / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Tracking / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Consent / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Analytics / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Blocklists / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Fediverse / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Social networks / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Freedom / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Geolocation / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Voice Assistants / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Internet of Things / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Gamification / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Health / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Mindfulness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Happiness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Inclusion / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Awareness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Censorship / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Unmaintained / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

Related awesomeness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

24. Awesome Deno

Tools / XML

25. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

HTML and CSS / Spock Framework

Perl / PicoLisp

26. Awesome Transit

Crowdsourced transit data

27. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Software Development - Project Management

28. Free for Dev

Messaging and Streaming

29. Awesome Vue

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / Dev Tools

30. Awesome React Components

Form Components / Drag and Drop

UI Animation / Syntax Highlight

31. Awesome Ciandcd

Other Awesome Lists

32. Awesome Nosql Guides

Crowd-Sourced Information

33. Awesome Pinned Gists

External Services

34. Awesome Hacking

Tools / Other

35. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Simulation / Version Control

Sensor Processing / Image Processing

Security / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

36. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Travel

37. Awesome Cakephp


38. Awesome Ada

Online / Apache License

39. Awesome Wpo

Analyzers / Meetups

40. Awesome Terraform

Boilerplates / IDE

41. Awesome Blazor


Machine Learning



Tools & Utilities / Others

Others / Others

Tooling / Others

42. Awesome Flutter

🇮🇳 India / Misc

43. Awesome Ros2

Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)

44. Awesome Icons


45. Awesome Javascript

QA Tools / Runner

API / Runner

Modals and Popups / Other

46. PlacesToPostYourStartup


47. Awesome Gbdev

ASM / Music drivers and trackers

48. Awesome Icons



49. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Engineering to Management Transition

Engineering / Technology

Compensation / Salary

50. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

51. Awesome Appimage

AppImage discovery / App catalogs

AppImage discovery / App stores

AppImage discovery / App centers

AppImage discovery / App scrapers

AppImage consumption tools / Desktop integration

AppImage consumption tools / Updaters

AppImage consumption tools / Package managers

AppImage developer tools / Low-level tools

AppImage developer tools / Build systems

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for compiled applications

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Python applications

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Electron applications

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Windows applications

AppImage developer tools / Deployment tools for Java applications

AppImage developer tools / Tools to convert from other package formats

AppImage developer tools / QC tools

AppImage developer tools / Continuous integration

AppImage developer tools / Libraries

AppImage developer tools / Templates

Resources / Specs

Resources / Documentation

Resources / Tutorials

Resources / Articles

Resources / Videos

Resources / Books

Resources / Blogs

Resources / Community

Resources / Miscellaneous

Resources / Related

Resources / Other awesome lists

52. Awesome Digital History

Learning / Switzerland

53. Awesome Math

Learning Platforms


Foundations of Mathematics / Logic

Algebra / Analytic Number Theory

Algebra / Linear Algebra

Geometry and Topology / Graph Theory

Analysis / Real Analysis

Analysis / Complex Analysis

Analysis / Ordinary Differential Equations

Probability and Statistics / Probability Theory

Probability and Statistics / Statistics

Mathematics for Computer Science / Stochastic processes