Awesome List Updates on Jan 27 - Feb 02, 2020

68 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Dotnet Core

Frameworks, Libraries and Tools / GUI

2. Awesome Kde

Utilities & Tools


Plasma desktop / Extensions

Plasma desktop / Themes

Plasma desktop / Qt and GTK+ Applications Appearance

Plasma desktop / Icons

Plasma desktop / Scripts

Plasma desktop / Display Manager

3. Awesome Python


4. Awesome Network Analysis

Software / Python

5. Awesome V

User Interface toolkits

6. Awesome Product Management

Articles / Obsidian

Books / Obsidian

7. Awesome Mac

Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools

Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements

Utilities / System Related Tools

8. Awesome Seed Rs

Official Resources


9. Awesome Mqtt



Makers / ESP

Smart Home Hardware Interfaces / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Misc / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Visualization, Dashboards / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

Security, Encryption / Firmwares for ESP based Devices

10. Awesome Idris

Contents / Articles

11. Awesome Powershell


12. Awesome Canvas

Libraries / To draw using canvas

13. Awesome React Native

Animation / Navigation Demos

Talks / Navigation Demos

14. Awesome Cl


15. Awesome Blazor

Courses / Others

16. Awesome Ios

Architecture Patterns

17. Awesome Mongodb

Libraries / Lisp

18. Mind Expanding Books

Science and Medicine

19. Awesome Swift Playgrounds

UIKit And Graphics / Animations

20. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Finance

21. Awesome Machine Learning

Python / Computer Vision

Python / Natural Language Processing

22. Awesome Cakephp

ORM / Database / Datamapping

23. Awesome Javascript

Testing Frameworks / Frameworks

24. Awesome Transit

GTFS Converters / Ruby

25. Awesome Ebpf

eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / User Space eBPF

26. Awesome Quantum Computing


27. Awesome Sre


28. Free for Dev

Design and UI

29. Awesome Irc


30. Awesome Ros2

Companies / Robotics Capture the Flag (RCTF)

31. Awesome Lit

Standalone Components

32. Awesome Jupyter

JupyterLab Extensions

33. Awesome Ios Books


Data Structures and Algorithms

34. Awesome Xamarin


35. Awesome Esp



Projects / Smart Home and IoT

Projects / InfoSec

Projects / Biomedical

Projects / Others

Libraries / Others

36. Awesome Deep Learning

Table of Contents / Courses

37. Awesome Aws

SDKs and Samples / Ruby SDK

38. Awesome Plotters

Plotter Art For Sale / Patents

39. Awesome Web Animation


40. Awesome Keycloak


41. Awesome Mobile Web Development

Articles and Documentation


42. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)

Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming

43. Awesome Asyncio


44. Awesome Npm

Browser extensions

45. Awesome Yew


46. Awesome Billing

Marketplace / Online Ads

Business Intelligence / Metrics

47. Quick Look Plugins


Using Homebrew

Install all

brew install qlcolorcode qlstephen qlmarkdown quicklook-json qlimagesize suspicious-package apparency quicklookase qlvideo
Catalina notes

To get plugins working in Catalina, you will need to remove the quarantine attribute.

Run this to see the attributes:

xattr -r ~/Library/QuickLook

And run this to remove the attributes:

xattr -d -r ~/Library/QuickLook

48. Awesome Electron

Open Source / Other

For Electron / Other

Articles / Other

Videos / Other

49. Awesome Actions on Google



50. Awesome List

Programming Languages

Front-End Development

Decentralized Systems


51. Awesome Falsehood


52. Awesome Chip 8

Emulator/interpreter development

53. Awesome Actions

GitHub Tools and Management / Docker Container Actions

Utility / Docker Container Actions

Utility / Environments

Utility / Semantic Versioning

Static Analysis / Testing

Static Analysis / Linting

Static Analysis / Security

Static Analysis / Code Coverage

Monitoring / Code Coverage

Pull Requests / Code Coverage

Deployment / Code Coverage

Deployment / Docker

Deployment / Kubernetes

Deployment / AWS

Deployment / Terraform

Build / Terraform

54. Awesome Flutter

UI / Effect

Device / Bluetooth / NFC / Beacon

🇵🇪 Peru / Misc

55. Awesome Maintainers

56. Awesome Web Performance Budget

Build Tools to set up performance budget

Bundle Analyzers

57. Awesome Esolangs


58. Public Apis

Currency Exchange

59. Awesome Piracy

Self-hosted VPNs

DDL Tools / Free Indexers

Miscellaneous / Third Party Hosts

60. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language) / Phoenix

Hadoop / Spock Framework

Haskell / Spock Framework

HTML and CSS / Spock Framework

JavaScript / Dojo

JavaScript / Elm

JavaScript / Node.js

JavaScript / React

JavaScript / Vue.js

MATLAB / PicoLisp

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

Python / Django

61. Awesome Connectivity Info

Regional Connectivity Reports and Data

62. Awesome Security

Network / Scanning / Pentesting

Web / Development

63. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects

64. Awesome React Components

Form Components / Input Types

Responsive / Syntax Highlight

CSS / Style / Mouse Events

65. Awesome Rust


Applications / Emulators

Applications / Text editors

Applications / Text processing

Libraries / Computation

Libraries / GUI

Libraries / Logging

Libraries / Text search

66. Terminals Are Sexy


67. Awesome Wardley Maps

Workshops / ChatGPT

68. Awesome Embedded Rust

HAL implementation crates / GigaDevice

Board support crates / SeeedStudio

Board support crates / Sipeed

no-std crates / WIP