Awesome List Updates on Aug 08, 2021
10 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Ios
App Routing
- SwiftCurrent (⭐307) - A library for managing complex workflows.
2. Urban and Regional Planning Resources
Platforms and Software Resources / Urban Design Tools and Platforms
- TestFit - TestFit features algorithms and co-creation tools help developers, architects, urban planners and more to solve hotel, parking or multifamily building site plans in seconds.
- Delve - Delve uses generative design and AI to reveal the very best options for your project priorities and site design metrics.
Platforms and Software Resources / Transportation Planning Tools and Platforms
- Remix - A platform to empower cities to plan the best possible transportation system — from public transit to safer streets to ever-increasing new modes of mobility. Remix provides tools to edit & test GTFS, generate multimodal streets, and explore relevant data.
- Streetmix - A collaborative civic engagement platform for urban design. Design, remix, and share your neighborhood street with Streetmix.
3. Awesome Godot
Plugins and scripts / Godot 3.2+
- godot-ink (⭐570) - A C# (Mono) plugin to integrate stories writen in ink (⭐4k), a scripting language for writing interactive narrative.
4. Awesome Vue
Components & Libraries / UI Components
- v-network-graph (⭐492) - An interactive SVG based network-graph visualization component for Vue 3.
5. Awesome Ros2
Documentation / Build system (ROS2)
- ROS2 Quality Assurance Guidelines (⭐7) - A collection of guidelines and tutorials for improving package quality, following REP-2004 quality standards and integrating Continuous Integration.
6. Awesome Neovim
(requires Neovim 0.5)
- nanotee/nvim-lsp-basics (⭐31) - Basic wrappers for LSP features.
Dependency Management / Diagnostics
- vuki656/package-info.nvim (⭐471) - Display latest package version as virtual text in package.json.
7. PlacesToPostYourStartup
- GrowthBoosters -
8. Awesome Cryptography
Courses / Hash functions
- Harvard's Cryptography Lecture notes - An introductory but fast-paced undergraduate/beginning graduate course on cryptography, Used for Harvard CS 127.
9. Awesome Rust
Applications / System tools
- nickgerace/gfold (⭐283) [gfold] - CLI tool to help keep track of multiple Git repositories
Applications / Text editors
- ox (⭐3.3k) - An independent Rust text editor that runs in your terminal!
Applications / Utilities
- raftario/licensor (⭐192) - write licenses to stdout
- rustdesk/rustdesk (⭐70k) - A remote desktop software, great alternative to TeamViewer and AnyDesk.
- vaultwarden (⭐36k) - Alternative implementation of the Bitwarden server API written in Rust
Development tools / FFI
- Node.js
- infinyon/node-bindgen (⭐501) - Easy way to generate nodejs module using Rust
- neon-bindings/neon (⭐8k) - Rust bindings for writing safe and fast native Node.js modules
- zhangyuang/node-ffi-rs (⭐136) - A module written in Rust and N-API provides interface (FFI) features for Node.js
- Web Assembly
- rhysd/wain (⭐427) - wain: WebAssembly INterpreter from scratch in Safe Rust with zero dependency
- rustwasm/wasm-bindgen (⭐7.5k) - A project for facilitating high-level interactions between wasm modules and JS.
- rustwasm/wasm-pack (⭐6.1k) - 📦 ✨ pack up the wasm and publish it to npm!
Libraries / Cloud
- Load Balancer
- Convey (⭐337) - Layer 4 Load Balancer with dynamic configuration loading.
Libraries / Command-line
- BearLibTerminal
- gyscos/Cursive (⭐4.2k) [cursive] - build rich TUI applications
- ivanceras/titik (⭐120) - a crossplatform TUI widget library with the goal of providing interactive widgets
- ncurses
- ihalila/pancurses (⭐392) [pancurses] - curses library, supports linux and windows
- jeaye/ncurses-rs (⭐674) [ncurses] - ncurses bindings
- ogham/rust-term-grid (⭐65) [term_grid] - Library for putting things in a grid
- ratatui-org/ratatui (⭐9.5k) [ratatui] - Library that's all about cooking up terminal user interfaces (TUIs)
- redox-os/termion (⭐2.1k) [termion] - bindless library for controlling terminals/TTY
- ruterm - tiny & simple library for working with TTY
- Termbox
- gchp/rustbox (⭐466) [rustbox] - bindings to Termbox (⭐2k)
- TimonPost/crossterm (⭐3.1k) [crossterm] - crossplatform terminal library
Libraries / Compression
- Brotli
- dropbox/rust-brotli (⭐805) - Brotli decompressor that optionally avoids the stdlib
- ende76/brotli-rs (⭐64) - implementation of Brotli compression
Libraries / Computation
- calebwin/emu (⭐1.6k) - A language for GPGPU numerical computing
- dimforge/nalgebra (⭐3.9k) - low-dimensional linear algebra library
Libraries / Cryptography
- rustls/rustls (⭐5.8k) - Implementation of TLS
Libraries / Database
- sfackler/r2d2 (⭐1.5k) - generic connection pool
Libraries / Encoding
- ProtocolBuffers
- stepancheg/rust-protobuf (⭐2.7k) - Rust implementation of Google protocol buffers
- tokio-rs/prost (⭐3.7k) -
Libraries / Game development
- Awesome wgpu (⭐408) - A curated list of wgpu code and resources
- jeremyletang/rust-sfml (⭐632) - SFML bindings
Libraries / Geospatial
- rust-reverse-geocoder (⭐122) - A fast, offline reverse geocoder, inspired by thampiman/reverse-geocoder (⭐1.9k)
Libraries / Graphics
- Font
- RazrFalcon/rustybuzz (⭐529) - An incremental harfbuzz port
- redox-os/rusttype (⭐609) - Alternative to libraries like FreeType
Libraries / GUI
- fschutt/azul (⭐5.9k) - A free, functional, IMGUI-oriented GUI framework for rapid development of desktop applications written in Rust, supported by the Mozilla WebRender rendering engine.
- Qt
- cyndis/qmlrs (⭐437) - QtQuick bindings
- rust-qt - Qt bindings for Rust
- woboq/qmetaobject-rs (⭐627) - Integrate Qml and Rust by building the QMetaObject at compile time.
- rise-ui (⭐71) - Simple component-based cross-Platform GUI Toolkit for developing beautiful and user-friendly interfaces.
Libraries / Network programming
- nats-io/ (⭐1k) - Client for NATS, the cloud native messaging system.
- P2P
- libp2p/rust-libp2p (⭐4.4k) - Implementation of libp2p networking stack.
- ENQT-GmbH/remoc (⭐170) [remoc] - Remoc provides channels (broadcast, mpsc, oneshot, watch) similar to Tokio's and trait calling over any remote transport.
- smallnest/rpcx-rs (⭐126) - A RPC library for developing microservices in easy and simple way.
Libraries / Parsing
- s-panferov/queryst (⭐71) - A query string parsing library inspired by gs (⭐8.5k)
Libraries / Template engine
- djc/askama (⭐3.3k) - template rendering engine based on Jinja
- kaj/ructe (⭐449) - HTML template system
- Keats/tera (⭐3.4k) - template engine based on Jinja2 and the Django template language.
- lambda-fairy/maud (⭐2k) - compile-time HTML templates
- Stebalien/horrorshow-rs (⭐318) - compile-time HTML templates
Libraries / Web programming
- Miscellaneous
- cargonauts (⭐179) - A web framework intended for building maintainable, well-factored web apps.
- hominee/dyer (⭐134) [dyer] - dyer is designed for reliable, flexible and fast Request-Response based service, including data processing, web-crawling and so on, providing some friendly, flexible, comprehensive features without compromising speed.
- juhaku/utoipa (⭐2.1k) - Simple, Fast, Code first and Compile time generated OpenAPI documentation
- osohq/oso (⭐3.5k) [oso] - A policy engine for authorization that's embedded in your application.
- pwoolcoc/soup [soup] - A library similar to Python's BeautifulSoup, designed to enable quick and easy manipulation and querying of HTML documents.
- pyrossh/rust-embed (⭐1.6k) - A macro to embed static assets into the rust binary
- rookie (⭐130) - Load cookies from any browser on any platform.
- rust-scraper/scraper (⭐1.8k) [scraper] - HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors.
- serenity-rs/serenity (⭐4.6k) [serenity] - A library for the Discord API
- softprops/openapi (⭐126) - A library for processing openapi spec files
- svix/svix-webhooks (⭐2.3k) [svix] - A library for sending webhooks and verifying signatures.
- tbot [tbot] - Make cool Telegram bots easily
- teloxide/teloxide (⭐3k) - An elegant Telegram bots framework
- tu6ge/valitron (⭐59) [valitron] - An ergonomic, functional and configurable validator
- utkarshkukreti/ (⭐950) [select] - A library to extract useful data from HTML documents, suitable for web scraping.
Resources / Web programming
- Decks & Presentations
- Learning systems programming with Rust - Presented by Julia Evans @ Rustconf 2016.
- Rust: Hack Without Fear! - Presented by Nicholas Matsakis @ C++Now 2018
- Shipping a Solid Rust Crate - Presented by Michael Gattozzi @ RustConf 2017
10. Mind Expanding Books
Philosophy And Psychology
Name: The Ascent of Humanity
Author: Charles Eisenstein
Goodreads Rating: 4.43
Year Published: 2007
- Prev: Aug 09, 2021
- Next: Aug 07, 2021