Awesome List Updates on Jul 23, 2022

8 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Strings

2. GoBooks

2021 - Practical Go: Building Scalable Network and Non-Network Applications / Why does this book look so different?

3. Awesome Testing

Software / Make your life easier

4. Awesome Neovim

Tree-sitter Supported Colorscheme / Diagnostics

5. Awesome Svelte

UI Libraries

6. Awesome Vala

Apps / Productivity

Libraries / Command-line

Libraries / Data Structures & Data Types

7. Awesome List


8. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Cognitive Development / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Domain Specific Language / Imperative DSL Applications

Domain Specific Language / Logic DSL Applications

Problem Solving / Human-Level Problem Solving

Problem Solving / Planning

Problem Solving / Intrinsic Motivation

Problem Solving / Inverse Reinforcement Learning

System 1 & System 2 / Dual-Coding Theory

System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI

Explainability / Trustworthy AI

Explainability / Strong Machine Learning

Explainability / Explainable Deep Learning

Embodied Intelligence / Explainable Deep Learning

Evolutionary Intelligence / Explainable Deep Learning

Causality / AI Assisted Research

Methodologies for Experiments / Quantitative Analysis

Methodologies for Experiments / Scaling Up Behavioral Studies

Methodologies for Experiments / Question Answering

Methodologies for Experiments / Human-Machine Comparison

Methodologies for Experiments / Virtual Reality

Meta-Level Considerations / Meta Learning

David Marr / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Meta-Level Considerations / Marr's Levels of Analysis

Meta-Level Considerations / Gestalt

Meta-Level Considerations / Rationality

Meta-Level Considerations / Cognitive Architecture

Theory of Mind / AI Assisted Research

Analogy / AI Assisted Research

Commonsense / Intuitive Physics

Commonsense / AI Commonsense Reasoning

Commonsense / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Inductive Logic & Program Synthesis / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Knowledge Representation / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Learning in the Open World / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Literature Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Knowledge Management / Commonsense Knowledgebase