Awesome List Updates on Oct 10 - Oct 16, 2022

59 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Misc

Plugins / Practices and Specific ES Features

2. Awesome Appimage

AppImage consumption tools / Package managers

3. Awesome Nix

Command-Line Tools / Discovery

4. Awesome Flame

App Releases / Board

App Releases / Casual

App Releases / Educational

App Releases / Puzzle Games

5. PlacesToPostYourStartup


6. Awesome Github Wiki


7. Awesome Godot

Templates / Godot 3.5+

Unofficial Godot builds / Godot version unknown

Other / Godot version unknown

8. Awesome Ironsworn

Hacks and homebrew / Ironsworn

9. Awesome Elixir

ORM and Datamapping

10. Awesome Elm

Podcasts / Miscellaneous videos

Code generators / Individual Podcast episodes

Frameworks / Outdated Boilerplates

Compile and bundle / Outdated Boilerplates

Examples / Games

Community and Support / Games

11. Awesome Fp Js


Libraries / Data Structures

12. Awesome Rust

Applications / Emulators

13. GoBooks

2022 - Beyond Effective Go: Part 1 - Achieving High-Performance Code / Why does this book look so different?

14. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / All-In-One Tools

15. Awesome Swift


16. Awesome Tailwindcss


17. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Inbox: Stable Diffusion / Multi-agents

18. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Public Data Resources / Demographic

Vendor Data Resources / Travel Behavior

19. Awesome Iot

Software / Libraries and Tools

20. Awesome Job Boards


Programming / JavaScript

Programming / Rust

Programming / Scala

Startups / Aggregator

21. Awesome Blazor

Videos / Others

Articles / Others

22. Awesome Lowcode

Flow-based programming

23. Awesome Ruby

Authentication and OAuth

24. Awesome Tensorflow


25. Awesome Vue

Resources / Community

26. Awesome Fiber

📺 Videos / 🌱 Third Party

27. Awesome Algorand

Crash Courses

Projects / Wallets

28. Awesome Ansible


Playbooks, Roles and Collections / French

29. Awesome Neovim

Media / Diagnostics

Utility / Diagnostics

Scrollbar / Diagnostics

Editing Support / Diagnostics

Comment / Diagnostics

30. Awesome Plone

Searching and Categorizing


31. Awesome Rails

Open Source Rails Apps / Other external resources

Gems / Other external resources

32. Awesome Wagtail

Apps / Blogging/news

33. Awesome Audit Algorithms

Papers / 2013

34. Toolsforactivism

Software as a service:

35. Awesome Yew


Crates / Utils

36. Awesome Mac

Developer Tools / Network Analysis

Utilities / Clipboard Tools

37. Awesome Datascience


Free Courses


Intensive Programs


Comparison / Supervised Learning

Comparison / Semi-Supervised Learning

Books / Visualization Tools

Journals, Publications and Magazines / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

Newsletters / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

Podcasts / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

Presentations / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

YouTube Videos & Channels / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

Telegram Channels / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

Hobby / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

38. Awesome V



Scientific computing

39. Free for Dev

Feature Toggles Management Platforms

Managed Data Services

Design and UI

40. Awesome Board Games



Each player builds a stained glass window by building up a grid of dice on their player board. Each board has some restrictions on which color or shade (value) of die can be placed there. Dice of the same shade or color may never be placed next to each other. Dice are drafted in player order, with the start player rotating each round, snaking back around after the last player drafts two dice. Scoring is variable per game based on achieving various patterns and varieties of well as bonus points for dark shades of a particular hidden goal color.

Sagrada game image

Players Min. Age Time
1 - 4 10 30-45m

41. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Completions / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

42. Awesome Chrome Devtools


43. Game Datasets

License / Related

44. Magictools

Graphics / Tile/Level Editors

Graphics / Animation

Game Jams / Voxel Editors

45. Awesome Newsletters

Java / Svelte

Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning / Big Data / Svelte

46. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Web

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

Projects / Android

Android / Libraries

Android / Multiplatform

Android / Boilerplate

47. Static Analysis

Programming Languages / Other

Other / Other

48. Awesome Bash

Books and Resources

49. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Science Logology / Literature Mining

50. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Software Development - Low Code

51. Awesome Capacitor

Community plugins

Capgo plugins

Capawesome plugins

52. Awesome Docker


Volume Management / Data

53. Awesome Go

Continuous Integration

Date and Time

Distributed Systems

Embeddable Scripting Languages



Tutorials / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

54. Awesome Vite

Templates / Electron

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers

55. Awesome Magento2

What is Magento?

Events: Meet the community

Meet Magento



Development Utilities






Adminhtml / Backend


Payment Service Provider


Proprietary Extensions

Other / Progressive Web Application

Learning / Progressive Web Application

Official Resources / Progressive Web Application

Other Magento 2 related Awesome Lists / Progressive Web Application

56. Awesome Pleb Projects

Lightning / Tools

57. Awesome Minecraft

Mods / Technology

58. Free Programming Books (English, By Subjects)

Artificial Intelligence


Compiler Design

Machine Learning


Parallel Programming

Security & Privacy

Software Architecture

59. Awesome Privacy


Teamworking Tools
