Awesome List Updates on Jan 22 - Jan 28, 2024

33 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Flame

App Releases / Casual

2. Awesome Software Patreons

Open Source Projects

Open Source Projects / Operating Systems

3. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

4. Awesome Git Hooks

Git Hook Scripts / pre-commit

5. Awesome Kotlin

Android / Projects

6. Awesome Datascience

Deep Learning Packages / Visualization Tools

7. Awesome Rails

Gems / Other external resources

8. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

9. Awesome Azure Openai Llm

What is the RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)?

Retrieval-Augmented Generation: Research Papers

RAG Pipeline & Advanced RAG

Microsoft Azure OpenAI relevant LLM Framework / Lucene based search engine with OpenAI Embedding

Azure Reference Architectures / Azure AI Search

Semantic Kernel / Feature Roadmap

Semantic Kernel / Code Recipes

Semantic Kernel / Semantic Kernel Planner

Semantic Kernel / Semantic Function

Langchain Quick Start: How to Use / DSPy optimizer

Langchain vs Competitors / Prompting Frameworks

Prompt Guide & Leaked prompts / Prompt Template Language

Finetuning / Prompt Template Language

OpenAI's Roadmap and Products / OpenAI's plans according to Sam Altman

Numbers LLM and LLM Token Limits / GPT series release date

MLLM (multimodal large language model) / GPT series release date

Learning and Supplementary Materials / Korean

Caching / OSS Alternatives for OpenAI Code Interpreter (aka. Advanced Data Analytics)

Defensive UX / OSS Alternatives for OpenAI Code Interpreter (aka. Advanced Data Analytics)

10. Awesome Machine Learning

C++ / General-Purpose Machine Learning

Python / Computer Vision

Python / Neural Networks

Tools / Misc

11. Awesome Ipfs

Pinning services

12. Free for Dev


Generative AI

Analytics, Events and Statistics

Privacy Management

13. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science

Lecture Notes / Monograph

Books / Monograph

14. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice

Vendor Data Resources / Infrastructure

15. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Software / Groupware

16. Awesome Digital History

Archives and primary sources / Africa

Learning / Switzerland

17. Awesome Terraform

Managed Registries / Miscellaneous

18. Awesome Neovim

(requires Neovim 0.5)

AI / Diagnostics

Marks / Diagnostics

Project / Diagnostics

19. Awesome Developer First

Authentication & Identity


20. Awesome Capacitorjs

Plugins / Community Plugins

21. Awesome Ai4lam

Learning Resources / Generative AI

Publications and News Sources / Journals and Magazines

22. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / APIs

Hosting / PaaS (Platforms-as-a-Service)

23. Awesome Raspberry Pi


24. Awesome Video

Learning / Books

Encoding / Talks Presentations Podcasts

Streaming Server and Storage / SRT

Players / Android


25. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions

Online Tools and Applications

Auxiliary tools and concepts / Deforum

26. Awesome Fantasy

Epic Fantasy / The Chronicles of Prydain 1964 by Lloyd Alexander [4.42]

Epic Fantasy / The Daevabad Trilogy 2017 *byS. A. Chakraborty*[4.3]

27. Awesome Privacy

Android Gallery

28. Awesome Embedded Rust

Peripheral Access Crates / StarFive

HAL implementation crates / StarFive

29. Awesome React

React Frameworks

React Libraries

30. Awesome Vite

Templates / React

31. Awesome Agi Cocosci

Domain Specific Language / Design Theory

32. Awesome Cl

C, C++

Web frameworks / Isomorphic web frameworks

33. Awesome Docker

IDE integrations

Web / Other