Awesome List Updates on Aug 28 - Sep 03, 2023

40 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Security

Network / Scanning / Pentesting

Network / Monitoring / Logging

Network / IDS / IPS / Host IDS / Host IPS

EBooks / Online resources

2. Awesome Nlg

Neural Natural Language Generation

3. Awesome Game Remakes



4. Awesome Zsh Plugins


Generic ZSH

5. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Engineering / Technology

6. Awesome Ios



Other Testing

Alert & Action Sheet

7. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / Utilities

Components & Libraries / Integrations

8. Awesome Docker

Terminal / CLI tools

9. Awesome Langchain

Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists

10. Awesome Bash


11. Awesome Gbdev

Hardware / Opcodes

Compilers / Experimental/Proof of Concepts

C / Syntax highlighting packages

12. Awesome Yew

Crates / Javascript Library Ports

Crates / Utils

13. Awesome Polars

Official documentation

Libraries/Packages/Scripts / Rust

Resources / Tutorials & workshops

Resources / Talks and videos

14. Awesome Plotters

Software / Vector Creation

15. Awesome Terraform

Self-Hosted Registries / Miscellaneous

Providers / Community providers

Tools / Community providers

Tools / CI

Tools / IDE

16. Awesome Cl

C, C++

17. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Utilities

18. Awesome Connectivity Info

Connectivity Maps

Periodic Global Connectivity Reports

Regional Connectivity Reports and Data

Other sources

19. Awesome Privacy

Photoshop / Illustrator

20. Awesome Design Systems

21. Awesome Azure Openai Llm

Langchain Agent & Memory / Criticism to Langchain

Trustworthy, Safe and Secure LLM / GPT series release date

22. Awesome Ai Tools

Text / Developer tools

23. Awesome V



User Interface toolkits


Online IDEs with V / Vim

24. Awesome Magento2


25. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Video Conferencing

Software / Feed Readers

Software / Miscellaneous

Software / Software Development - Project Management

26. Awesome Vite

Templates / Vanilla

Templates / React

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations

Libraries / Community

27. Awesome Fantasy

Epic Fantasy / Temeraire (2006) by Naomi Novik [4.06]

28. Awesome Blockchain Ai

Blockchains for AI algorithms / Blockchain, AI and Machine Learning

29. Awesome Construct


30. Awesome Coq

Projects / Frameworks

31. Awesome Go

Database Tools

Date and Time


32. Mind Expanding Books

Startups and Business

Philosophy And Psychology

Autobiographies and Biographies


Logic and Problem Solving


Fiction / Fantasy

Fiction / Mystery

Fiction / Science Fiction

Fiction / Horror

Health / Miscellaneous

Design / Miscellaneous

33. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI

Critical Views about Generative AI

Generative AI Tools Directories

Inbox: Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum

34. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML


Security and PKI

Messaging and Streaming


Other Free Resources

35. Awesome Neovim

Register / Diagnostics

Note Taking / Diagnostics

Code Runner / Diagnostics

36. Awesome Developer First



37. Awesome Crystal

HTML Builders

38. Awesome Dotnet

Artificial Intelligence

39. Awesome Godot

Plugins and scripts / Various Godot versions

40. Awesome Tailwindcss
