Awesome List Updates on Sep 04 - Sep 10, 2023

41 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Zig


Misc libraries

Zig development tools / Package managers

Parser / Package managers

Learning resources / Package managers

C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C

C/C++ libraries packaged for Zig / C++

2. Awesome Webxr

Companies and Cooperatives / Reddit

Development / Engines

3. Awesome Web Monetization

About Web Monetization

Resources / Packages

Resources / Tutorials

Resources / Tools

4. Awesome Webaudio

Packages / Apps

5. Awesome Css Frameworks


6. Awesome Polars

Resources / Blog posts

7. Awesome React Components


8. Static Analysis

Multiple languages / Other

9. Awesome Fiber

⚙️ Middlewares / 🌱 Third Party

10. Awesome Open Hardware


11. Awesome React

React Component Libraries

12. Awesome Cli Apps

Files and Directories / Directory Listing

13. Awesome WSL

WSL Tools / WSL Utilities

14. Awesome Developer First

Deployment Hosting


15. Awesome Go

SQL Query Builders

16. Awesome Computational Biology

Databases / Compound

17. Awesome Neovim

Plugin Manager

Utility / Diagnostics

Dependency Management / Diagnostics

Git / Diagnostics

18. Awesome Kustomize

Plugins / Generators

Guides / Intermediate

19. Awesome Ai Tools

Text / Developer tools

20. Awesome Privacy

Video and Audio Conferencing

21. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Users

22. Awesome Mac

Reading and Writing Tools / Text Editors

Developer Tools / Developer Utilities

Utilities / General Tools

Utilities / System Related Tools

23. Awesome Tmux


24. Awesome Langchain

Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots

25. Awesome Common Lisp Learning

How To Use

26. ALL About RSS

FreshRSS / Outline Processor Markup Language

27. Free for Dev

Tools for Teams and Collaboration

Tunneling, WebRTC, Web Socket Servers and Other Routers

Payment and Billing Integration

Commenting Platforms

28. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Python / Constraint Logic Programming (extended Prolog)

29. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Software Development - Project Management

30. Awesome Dart

Web Frameworks

31. Awesome Cl


CLOS extensions

Files and directories / Third-party APIs

32. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Ethics, Philosophical questions and Discussions about Generative AI

Critical Views about Generative AI

Generative AI Tools Directories

33. Awesome Embedded Rust

no-std crates / WIP

34. Awesome Ebpf

Tutorials / Hardware Offload

35. Awesome Tailwindcss

UI Libraries, Components & Templates

36. Awesome Ant Design


Components / Themes

Applications / Themes

37. Awesome Vite

Templates / Vue 3

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Loaders

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers

Vue / Integrations

React / Routing

React / SSG

Solid / Routing

Frameworks / Community

38. Awesome Sysadmin

Software / Automation

Software / Build and software organization tools

Software / ChatOps

Software / Configuration Management Database

Software / Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment

Software / Control Panels

Software / Deployment Automation

Software / DNS - Servers

Software / Editors

Software / Identity Management - Tools and web interfaces

Software / IT Asset Management

Software / Mail Clients

Software / Miscellaneous

Software / Monitoring

Software / Network Configuration Management

Software / Service Discovery

Software / Troubleshooting

Software / Version control

Software / Virtualization

Software / VPN

List of Licenses / Web

Communities / Forums / Web

Repositories / Web

Websites / Web

39. Awesome Fp Js


40. Awesome Nix

Programming Languages / Zig

NixOS Modules / Zig

41. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only