Awesome List Updates on Mar 03, 2023
14 awesome lists updated today.
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1. Awesome Audit Algorithms
Papers / 2022
- Two-Face: Adversarial Audit of Commercial Face Recognition Systems - (ICWSM) Performs an adversarial audit on multiple systems APIs and datasets, making a number of concerning observations.
2. Free for Dev
- - Middleware observability platform provides complete visibility into your apps & stack, so you can monitor & diagnose issues at scale. They have a free forever plan for Dev community use that allows Log monitoring for up to 1M log events, Infrastructure monitoring & APM for up to 2 hosts.
3. Awesome Nextjs
- Twitter Clone (⭐179) - Twitter clone built with Next.js + T3 Stack + NextAuth + Supabase + Prisma.
4. Awesome Neovim
Motion / Diagnostics
- liangxianzhe/nap.nvim (⭐100) - Jump between next/previous buffer, tab, diagnostic, etc, with a single key.
5. Vertx Awesome
- SmallRye Mutiny - Intuitive event-driven reactive programming library for Java with bindings for Vert.x.
6. Awesome Gpt3
Demos / Other
Github / Other
Products / Other
- Makelog: Automated changelog powered by GPT-3
7. Awesome Playwright
- Playwright-cleanup - A Playwright cleanup tool that simplifies test cleanup by undoing any changes to the testing environment.
8. Awesome V
GitHub templates / Vim
- v-project-basement (⭐13) - A basement for every V project, that contains universal minimum GitHub CI scripts and issue templates for a V project.
9. Awesome D
Database clients / XML
- libpb (⭐5) - INteract with a PocketBase database
Command Line / XML
- dlog (⭐1) - extensible logging framework with message transformation support and custom loggers and contexts
- gogga (⭐2) - simple easy-to-use colorful logger for command-line applications
10. Awesome Dotnet
Visual Studio Plugins
- SonarSource.sonarlint-visualstudio (⭐471) - SonarLint is a free, open source Visual Studio 2017, 2019 and 2022 extension that provides on-the-fly feedback to developers on new bugs and quality issues in C#, VB.NET, C/C++, TypeScript and JavaScript.
Source Generator
- M31.FluentAPI (⭐104) - Effortlessly generate fluent APIs for your C# classes.
11. Awesome Generative Deep Art
Generative AI history, timelines, maps, and definitions
- Generative AI with Cohere: Part 1 - Model Prompting: overview of Generative AI by Cohere AI
- Generative AI with Cohere: Part 2 - Use Case Ideation: a list of Generative AI use cases by Cohere AI
- Large Language Models and Where to Use Them: Part 1: a list of LLM use cases by Cohere AI
- What's the big deal with Generative AI? Is it the future or the present?: summarization of the area of Generative AI by Cohere AI
Large Language Models (LLMs)
- Cohere AI: a way to integrate state-of-the-art language models to applications
Embeddings and Semantic Search / Prompt Engineering for Text-to-image
12. Awesome Transit
GTFS Converters / Rust
- gtfs2emis (⭐28) - An R package to estimate the emission levels of public transport vehicles based on General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) data.
13. Awesome Tmux
Status Bar
- tmux-nerd-font-window-name (⭐147) Nerd Font icons for your tmux windows
14. Static Analysis
Programming Languages / Other
- KLEE — A dynamic symbolic execution engine built on top of the LLVM compiler infrastructure. It can auto-generate test cases for programs such that the test cases exercise as much of the program as possible.
- Prev: Mar 04, 2023
- Next: Mar 02, 2023