Awesome List Updates on Jul 31 - Aug 06, 2023

53 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Mirth

Client API


2. Awesome Deno

Modules / CLI utils

3. Tools


Tools collection

4. Awesome V

Database clients

Text processing

5. Awesome Docker

Wrappers / Other

6. Awesome Privacy

Password Managers

7. Awesome Wardley Maps


8. Awesome Lowcode

Visual programming

9. Awesome Electronics

Other Lists / Help

10. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Static Analysis Tools

Tools / Fuzz Testing

Tools / Market Crawlers

Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Research Papers

Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware

11. Awesome Cakephp

Authentication and Authorization

12. Awesome Scientific Writing


Spell Checking and Linting

Tutorials / Books

13. Awesome Db Tools

API / Samples

HA/Failover/Sharding / Zabbix

14. Awesome Gnome

Icons / Upstream Style

15. Awesome Raspberry Pi


16. Awesome Userscripts

Scripts / ChatGPT

17. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Software / Money, Budgeting & Management

Software / Remote Access

18. Awesome Vscode


19. Awesome Cli Apps

Development / Devops

Development / Boilerplate

Files and Directories / Directory Navigation

Version Control / Git

20. Awesome Job Boards

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

21. Awesome Pentest

Vulnerability Databases / Social Engineering Tools

22. Awesome Dotnet


23. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / DSL

24. Awesome React Components




Form Components / Input Types

25. Awesome Tmux

Tools and session management



26. Awesome Polars

Resources / Blog posts

27. Awesome Keycloak


Community Extensions

Example Projects

28. Awesome Rust

Applications / Productivity

Applications / System tools

Applications / Utilities

29. Awesome Mac

Communication / Collaboration and Team Tools

30. Awesome Jupyter

Hosted Notebook Solutions

31. Awesome Flame

App Releases / Casual

App Releases / Educational

32. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

33. Awesome Testing

Software / Web3 and Blockchain

34. Awesome Capacitor

Other plugins

35. Awesome Yew


36. Awesome Algorand

AlgoKit Templates / Official

37. Awesome Crypto Papers

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: General and DLP

Specific topics / Public key cryptography: Elliptic-curve crypto

38. Awesome Terraform

Community Modules / Miscellaneous

Tools / Community providers

39. Awesome Azure Openai Llm

Section 11: Datasets for LLM Training / OSS Alternatives for OpenAI Code Interpreter (aka. Advanced Data Analytics)

40. Awesome Go

Advanced Console UIs


Other Software / Libraries for creating HTTP middlewares

41. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Large Language Models (LLMs)

42. Awesome Lidar


43. Awesome Typescript

Tools / Playground

44. Awesome Selenium

Driver / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)

Cloud Services / Desktop GUI Automation (non-browser-centric)

45. Awesome Game Engine Dev

Libraries / C#

Specialty Topics / Shaders

Tools / Software / Color / Palettes

46. Awesome Fantasy

Epic Fantasy / Chronicles of the Unhewn Throne (2014) by Brian Staveley [4.1]

Epic Fantasy / Redwall (1986) by Brian Jacques [4.1] 🔥

Epic Fantasy / The Demon Cycle (2008) by Peter V. Brett [4.2] 🔥

47. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Public Data Resources / Equity and Environmental Justice

Public Data Resources / OpenStreetMap

48. Free for Dev

CI and CD

Authentication, Authorization, and User Management

Crash and Exception Handling

49. Awesome Vite

Templates / Svelte

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Integrations

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Transformers

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Helpers

Vue / Routing

Vue / Ecosystem

Fastify / Integrations

Fastify / Routing

Frameworks / Community

ASP.NET Core / Community

Apps/Websites / Community

50. Awesome Neovim

(requires Neovim 0.5)

Fuzzy Finder / Diagnostics

Note Taking / Diagnostics

Keybinding / Diagnostics

51. Awesome Langchain

Ports to other languages

Open Source Projects / Knowledge Management

Open Source Projects / Other / Chatbots

Other LLM Frameworks / Videos Playlists

52. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Productivity

53. Awesome Tailwindcss

UI Libraries, Components & Templates