Awesome List Updates on Jul 19 - Jul 25, 2021

51 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Css

Code Style Guidelines 📖 / Editor's Draft ✒️

2. Awesome Incident Response

IR Tools Collection / Books

3. Awesome Rust

Applications / Blockchain

Applications / Database

Applications / Emulators

Applications / Games

Applications / Graphics

Applications / Image processing

Applications / Security tools

Applications / System tools

Applications / Text processing

Applications / Web Servers

Development tools / Web Servers

Development tools / FFI

Development tools / Profiling

Libraries / Artificial Intelligence

Libraries / Astronomy

Libraries / Asynchronous

Libraries / Audio and Music

Libraries / Authentication

Libraries / Caching

Libraries / Configuration

Libraries / Cryptography

Libraries / Email

Libraries / Encoding

Libraries / Graphics

Libraries / GUI

Libraries / Image processing

Libraries / Logging

Libraries / Network programming

Libraries / Parsing

Libraries / Scripting

Libraries / Text processing

Registries / Web programming

Resources / Web programming

4. Awesome Python

Admin Panels

Data Visualization

5. Awesome Vite

Templates / Vue 3

6. Awesome Readme


7. Awesome Integration

Projects / API Management

Projects / BPM

Projects / ESB

Projects / Messaging

Projects / RPA

Projects / Self-Service Integration

Integration Patterns / Enterprise Integration Patterns

Resources / Integration Styles

Resources / Protocols

8. Awesome Cpp

Build Systems

9. Awesome R Learning Resources

Topic Areas / Comprehensive R Tutorials

10. Awesome Datascience

Books / Visualization Tools

Other Awesome Lists / Book Deals (Affiliated) 🛍

11. Computer Science

How to show your progress / Advanced math

12. Awesome

Official Links

13. Alternative Front Ends

Overview / YouTube

14. Awesome H2o

Research Papers

15. Awesome Gbdev

ASM / Music drivers and trackers

ASM / Boilerplates and libraries

ASM / Syntax highlighting packages

16. Awesome Cl

HTTP Servers / Clack plugins

Shells, shells interfaces / Third-party APIs

System administration / Third-party APIs

Apps / Third-party APIs

Project skeletons / Third-party APIs

17. Awesome Flutter

Map / Image Picker

18. Awesome Humane Tech

Mindfulness / Wear our Awesome Humane Tech badge

19. Awesome Geek Podcasts

In English

20. Awesome Product Management

Articles / Obsidian

Books / Obsidian

21. Free for Dev


22. Awesome Terraform

Providers / Vendor supported providers

23. Awesome Eslint

Installation and Setup / Testing Tools

24. Awesome Decentralized


25. Awesome Tmux


26. Free Programming Books (English, By Programming Language)

Java / Bootstrap

27. Awesome Elm

Code generators / Individual Podcast episodes

Other tools / Unmaintained

Static analysis / Outdated Boilerplates

Static site generators / Outdated Boilerplates

Showcase generators / Outdated Boilerplates

Run Elm / Outdated Boilerplates

Compile and bundle / Unmaintained

Editor plugins / Atom

Editor plugins / Emacs

Editor plugins / IntelliJ

Editor plugins / Sublime Text

Editor plugins / Vim/Neovim

Editor plugins / Visual Studio Code

Editor plugins / Other editors

28. Awesome Neovim

Fuzzy Finder / Diagnostics

Neovim Lua Development / Diagnostics

29. Awesome Embedded Rust

Driver crates / WIP

30. Awesome Web Archiving

Tools & Software / Utilities

31. Awesome Python Typing

Stub packages

Tools / Mypy plugins

Integrations / Mypy plugins

32. Awesome React Components

Form Components / Color Picker

33. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites

Components & Libraries / Utilities

34. Urban and Regional Planning Resources

Vendor Data Resources / Urban Observation

Educational and Informational Resources / AICP Resources

Educational and Informational Resources / Literature Resources

Other Resources / Other Technology Resource Aggregators

35. Awesome Fastapi

Tutorials / Other Tools

Open Source Projects / Other Tools

36. Awesome Quantified Self

Websites and Resources

37. Awesome Gif

Libraries / C++

38. Awesome Jax

Libraries / New Libraries

39. Awesome Godot

Plugins and scripts / Various Godot versions

40. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Image Synthesis / Multi-agents

Interesting Youtube Channels / Deforum

Artists and Artworks / Deforum

Galleries / Deforum

Related Awesome Lists / Deforum

41. Public Apis


Authentication & Authorization





Games & Comics




Open Data



42. Awesome Iam

Authorization / AWS policy tools

43. PlacesToPostYourStartup


44. Awesome Remote Job

Articles & Posts

Job boards

45. Awesome Blazor

Tools & Utilities / Others

46. Awesome WSL

Supported Distributions / Pengwin Enterprise

WSL Tools / X Servers

WSL Tools / For Managing WSL Installations

Books / Miscellaneous Tools

47. Awesome Osint

Email Search / Email Check / Telegram

48. Awesome K6


49. Awesome Swift

Official Guides

50. Awesome Mac

Developer Tools / IDEs

Reading and Writing Tools / Journaling

Audio and Video Tools / File Sharing

Utilities / General Tools

Utilities / Quality of Life Improvements

51. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Entertainment

Contents / Productivity

Contents / Social Network

Contents / Tools