Awesome List Updates on Feb 19, 2023

23 awesome lists updated today.

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1. Awesome Chatgpt


2. Awesome Testing

Software / Make your life easier

Software / Web3 and Blockchain

3. Awesome Malware Persistence

Techniques / macOS

4. Awesome Vehicle Security

Libraries and Tools / Python

5. Awesome Ada

Entry Point

6. Awesome Cl

Data validation / Third-party APIs

7. Awesome Cpp

Online Compiler

8. Awesome Elixir

Algorithms and Data structures



9. Awesome Rust

Libraries / Email

10. Awesome Dotnet

Code Analysis and Metrics

11. Awesome Lowcode


12. Awesome Generative Deep Art

Critical Views about Generative AI

Inbox: Speech-to-text (STT) and spoken content analysis / Deforum

13. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Automation

14. Free for Dev


Game Development

15. Awesome Iot

Software / Libraries and Tools

Software / Miscellaneous

16. Awesome Game Remakes


17. Progressive Enhancement Resources

Support Tables

18. Web Development Resources

Learning Platforms:

19. Awesome Neovim

Remote Development / Diagnostics

20. Awesome Theoretical Computer Science

Transition To Pure Rigour Math / Monograph

21. Static Analysis

Multiple languages / Other

22. Awesome Fiber

📖 Articles / 🌱 Third Party

23. Awesome Docker

Base Tools / Other