Awesome List Updates on Jun 15 - Jun 21, 2020

71 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Wpo

Image Optimizers / Meetups

2. Awesome Seed Rs


3. Awesome Tmux



4. Awesome Osint

Email Search / Email Check / Telegram

5. Awesome Shell

Command-Line Productivity

6. Awesome Vagrant


7. Awesome Digitalocean

Commercial integrations

8. Awesome Magento2


Adminhtml / Backend

9. Awesome Naming


10. Android Security Awesome

Tools / Online Analyzers

Tools / Dynamic Analysis Tools

Academic/Research/Publications/Books / Others

Exploits/Vulnerabilities/Bugs / Malware

11. Awesome Embedded Rust

Community / Community Chat Rooms

12. Awesome Jmeter

JMeter Performance / Utilities

13. Awesome Streaming

Table of Contents / Readings

14. Awesome Vue

Projects Using Vue.js / Apps/Websites

Components & Libraries / UI Components

15. Awesome Microservices

Go / Erlang

16. Awesome Prisma

🏆 Tutorials / Tutorials with Nexus

🏆 Tutorials / Tutorials with NestJS

17. Awesome Ddd

Sample Projects / .NET (C#/F#)

Libraries and Frameworks / .NET

18. Awesome Cheminformatics

Libraries / General Purpose

19. Awesome Python

DevOps Tools

20. Awesome Cmake

Examples / Templates

21. Awesome Django

Third-Party Packages / Admin

Projects / Boilerplate

22. Awesome Blazor

Tools & Utilities / Others

23. Awesome Keycloak



24. Awesome Lumen


25. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Media Streaming - Audio Streaming

26. Public Apis


27. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Engineering to Management Transition

28. Free for Dev

Artifact Repos

29. Awesome Flutter

Templates / Preferences

30. Awesome Actions

Collection of Actions / Docker Container Actions

Static Analysis / Testing

Tutorials / Terraform

31. Awesome Deno

Articles / XML

Resources in Other Languages / Italian

32. Awesome D3


33. Awesome Rust


34. Awesome Ebpf

Reference Documentation / Kernel Documentation

35. ALL About RSS

RSS Extensions / Outline Processor Markup Language

specifically from (a certain platform) / SoundCloud

RSS Editor / Docsify

RSS2WIDGET / For website

Feed item filtering / Webpage Monitor Services with capability of monitoring RSS Feed 1264

🦾 Others / Crypto or Blockchain relevant

36. Awesome Elixir


37. Awesome Robotic Tooling

Documentation and Presentation

Requirements and Safety

Frameworks and Stacks

Development Environment / Code and Run

Development Environment / Lint and Format

Development Environment / Debugging and Tracing

Development Environment / Version Control

Simulation / Version Control

Electronics and Mechanics / Version Control

Sensor Processing / Machine Learning

Sensor Processing / Image Processing

Sensor Processing / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing

Localization and State Estimation / Lidar and Point Cloud Processing

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Lidar

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping / Visual

Behavior and Decision / Vector Map

Planning and Control / Vector Map

User Interaction / Graphical User Interface

User Interaction / Command Line Interface

Data Visualization and Mission Control / Command Line Interface

Data Visualization and Mission Control / Point Cloud

Data Visualization and Mission Control / RViz

Operation System / Database and Record

Operation System / Server Infrastructure and High Performance Computing

Network and Middleware / Real-Time Kernel

Security / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

Datasets / Sensor and Acuator Interfaces

38. Awesome Ios Books

🇷🇺 Russian books

39. Awesome Fuzzing

Papers / IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P)

40. PlacesToPostYourStartup


41. Awesome Transit

GTFS Analysis Tools / Ruby

GTFS Libraries / Python

GTFS Realtime Utilities / Ruby

42. Awesome Iot

Software / Libraries and Tools

43. Awesome Waves


44. Awesome React Native


45. Awesome Jamstack

No-Code Platforms

Tutorials / Articles / Automation

46. Awesome Love2d


47. Awesome Building Blocks for Web Apps

Consent Management


48. Awesome V


49. Awesome Fastapi


Databases / ORMs

Databases / Query Builders

Databases / ODMs

Databases / Other Tools

Developer Tools / Other Tools

Utils / Other Tools

Official Resources / Other Tools

Podcasts / Other Tools

Courses / Other Tools

Serverless / Other Tools

Boilerplate / Other Tools

Open Source Projects / Other Tools

50. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Security monitoring / Network Security Monitoring (NSM)

Security monitoring / Service and performance monitoring

51. Webcomponents the Right Way

Component Libraries


Testing Solutions

History / 2012

52. Awesome WSL

Additional Resources / Miscellaneous Tools

53. Awesome Clojure

Web Framework

54. Awesome Deep Learning

Table of Contents / Books

Table of Contents / Courses

Table of Contents / Papers

55. Awesome Billing

Business Intelligence / Tools

56. Awesome Php

Table of Contents / Testing

Configuration / PHP Internals Reading

57. Awesome Swift

Keyboard / Barcode

Mock / Barcode

58. Awesome Eslint

Plugins / Misc

Plugins / Testing Tools

59. Awesome React Components

Editable data grid / spreadsheet




Form Components / Date / Time picker

60. Awesome Newsletters

General Web Development

61. Awesome Security

Network / Anti-Spam

62. Awesome Audiovisual

Tools / Timecode

Resources / ArtNet Libraries

63. Awesome Vehicle Security

Libraries and Tools / Python

64. Awesome Ios


65. Awesome Vulkan


66. Awesome Crystal

Dependency Injection

Framework Components

Network Protocols

Web Frameworks

Official Documentation Translations

67. Awesome Pinned Gists

External Services

68. Discount for Student Dev

IDE and Code Editing

Version Control

Web Hosting

Design and Photo Editing





Management Systems

Programming Help

Domain Name Registers


Software Modeling Tools

Visual Analytics

Password Managers

Infrastructure Monitoring

Software Packs

Learning Resources

69. Awesome Firebase


70. Awesome Quant

Python / Data Sources

Python / Visualization

71. Awesome Yew
