Awesome List Updates on Feb 21 - Feb 27, 2022

58 awesome lists updated this week.

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1. Awesome Wpo

Metrics Monitor - EMAIL / Meetups

2. Awesome Jupyter

JupyterLab Extensions

Hosted Notebook Solutions

3. Awesome Osint

Other Tools / Telegram

4. Awesome List

Back-End Development

5. Awesome Vue

Resources / Examples

Projects Using Vue.js / Open Source

Components & Libraries / Frameworks

Components & Libraries / UI Components

Components & Libraries / Scaffold

6. Awesome Yew


Alternatives / Frameworks

7. Awesome Cybersecurity Blueteam

Security monitoring / Post-engagement analysis and reporting

8. Awesome Fastapi


Utils / Other Tools

Official Resources / Other Tools

Docker Images / Other Tools

Open Source Projects / Other Tools

9. Magictools

Engines and Frameworks / Voxel Editors

10. Awesome Micropython

Communications / Modbus

Communications / Serial

Communications / WiFi

Display / GUI

Storage / Flash

11. Awesome Kotlin

Libraries/Frameworks / Misc

12. Awesome Svelte

UI Libraries

13. Awesome Dotfiles

Articles / Introductions

Tools / Ansible

14. Awesome Icons


15. Dive Into Machine Learning

Getting Help: Questions, Answers, Chats / Some communities to know about!

Deep Learning / Easier sharing of deep learning models and demos

Skilling up / Machine Learning and User Experience (UX)

More ways to "Dive into Machine Learning" / Aside: Bayesian Statistics and Machine Learning

16. Awesome Tmux

Status Bar

17. Awesome Playcanvas

Product Configurators

18. Awesome Esports

Libraries / APIs & Web Services

19. Awesome Bioie

Datasets / Annotated Text Data

20. Awesome Engineering Team Management

Career / Promotion

Politics / Equity

21. Awesome Functional Programming

Table of Contents / Books

22. Awesome Newsletters

Technology in General / Svelte

23. Awesome Integration

Projects / Data Mapping Solution

24. Awesome Testing

Software / Make your life easier

25. Awesome Gdpr

Rights of the data subject (art. 12 - 23)

26. Awesome Circuitpython





27. Awesome Plotters

Software / Vector Creation

Software / Vector Utilities

28. Awesome Django

Resources / Books

29. Awesome Robotics


30. Awesome Fiber

📖 Articles / 🌱 Third Party

31. Awesome Privacy



Alternative Frontends

32. Awesome Security

Other Awesome Lists / Other Security Awesome Lists

Other Awesome Lists / Other Common Awesome Lists

33. Awesome Json

Binary Serialization

34. Awesome Transit

GTFS Based Visualizations

GTFS Realtime Utilities / Ruby

35. Alternative Front Ends

Overview / YouTube

Overview / YouTube Music

Overview / Twitter

Overview / Imgur

Redirection / Other services

36. Awesome Algorand

Blockchain Explorers

Portfolio Trackers

DeFi Platforms / Wallets

Projects / Wallets

37. Awesome Selfhosted

Software / Communication - Custom Communication Systems

Software / Communication - Email - Webmail Clients

Software / Content Management Systems (CMS)

38. Awesome Snmp

Libraries / Lua

Libraries / PHP

Tools / CLIs

Tools / GUIs

Publications / Books

Public servers / Tutorials

MIB repositories / Tutorials

39. Awesome Computational Biology

Databases / Disease

Databases / Interaction

Machine Learning Tasks and Models / Drug Repurposing

40. Open Source Flutter Apps

Contents / Entertainment

Contents / News and Magazine

41. Awesome Jax

Libraries / New Libraries

42. Free for Dev

APIs, Data, and ML

Tools for Teams and Collaboration

Translation Management



Issue Tracking and Project Management

43. Awesome Agriculture

Data Standardization, Interoperability and APIs

44. Awesome Lowcode


Visual programming

45. Awesome Ebpf

eBPF Workflow: Tools and Utilities / User Space eBPF

46. Awesome Neovim

Snippet / Diagnostics

47. Awesome Sre

Service Level Agreement

48. Awesome Veganism


49. Awesome Firebase

Featured (new releases)


CLI & Editor / iOS

Other / iOS

50. Awesome Terraform

Videos / IDE

51. Awesome Dotnet


Image Processing

52. Awesome Zsh Plugins

Plugins / superconsole - Windows-only

Completions / superconsole - Windows-only

Themes / superconsole - Windows-only

53. Awesome Swift


54. Awesome Shell

Command-Line Productivity

Customization / Directory Navigation

System Utilities / Directory Navigation

Shell Script Development / Directory Navigation

55. Awesome Open Source Games

Native / FPS

56. Awesome Go


HTTP Clients

Server Applications

57. Awesome Vite

Get Started

Templates / Vue 3

Templates / Vue 2

Templates / Svelte

Templates / Others

Framework-agnostic Plugins / Bundling

WordPress / Community

58. Awesome Agi Cocosci

System 1 & System 2 / Neural-Symbolic AI

Causality / AI Assisted Research

Cognitive Development / Commonsense Knowledgebase

Learning with Cognitive Plausibility / Commonsense Knowledgebase